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Spellcasting System Mechanic

I was tasked with creating a Gameplay Mechanic in Unreal Engine to do this I though a lot about what I have worked on already and looked to do something new, this would end up becoming the spell casting system that I created. The focus for this was to create a system which would be modular in design that a programmer could easily go into and develop new spells with the provided system. Currently in the application 4 spells where created:

  • Fire Ball (Aim Spell)

  • Ice Wall (Aim Spell)

  • Lightning Strike (Targeting Spell)

  • Healing (Targeting Spell)

Other than the spells the application also handles NPC both enemies and allies to the player, with both able to have simple AI which can handle firing a selected spell from there spell book along as the NPC has the available mana to fire it.

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